The Cube of Campus




The cry for peace is gaining momentum with each passing day as the news reports constantly confront us with incidents that shatter our faith and trust in humanity.  It challenges us to seek new ways to become peacemakers in the midst of the tensions and conflicts that continually surround us.  It asks us to examine how we deal with differences in our interpersonal relationships and in the larger scale of society.


Adopting a lifestyle that is respectful of others can be the first step to building peace at home, in the classroom, in the local community and the nation. This program, created by Focolare founder Chiara Lubich, not only helps to prevent conflict and violence but contributes to a growth in faith, to the building of a more Christian community, and to an ever greater awareness of the universal family and the needy worldwide.


1. 主動幫助他人!
我們看到同學要趕著完成一份作業或處於困境時,馬上給予支持和幫助, 並不要考慮自己的利益處。
First to help others!
If we see someone who is temporarily struggling on a deadline, an assignment or a difficult circumstance, jump right in without considering the personal cost.

2. 重視每個人及其想法!
我們在學習中會接觸到不同的人,包括同學、學長姐、老師、行政人員 和工友等。無論他們做的是什麼工作,地位是什麼,他們對校園美好的學習環境 都非常重要。
Value every person, every idea!
Though study and learning, we come in close contact with many different people - from classmates, to mentor, assistant and worker etc., No matter what position someone has in or outside the campus, everyone is important to its fruitful learning enviornment.

3. 不單用言語,還要以行動支持!
別人處於困境時,我們伸出援手,是最能令人信服的言語。 看到別人有需要時,我們可停下手上的工作去幫忙,簡單如替別人拿東西 、開門等。適時表達自己的想法或回饋,又或是下課後留下來整理教室。 假如課堂上每個人都不只存「在心裡想」的幫忙,而是付諸行動, 事事關心,那麼大家就可以得到意想不到的收穫。
Support with actions, not just words!
Nothing speaks louder than someone lending a helping hand at a critical moment.
Stopping to carry something, opening a door, commenting on a lecture, giving our feedback, or staying after to clearup our classroom - all these are the ‘little things’ that bring about studyplace
harmony and efficiency.
Don’t just ‘think’about being helpful, make the move, and see the wonderful things that can happen!

4. 分享您的一切、專長、時間!
我們要仔細地聆聽別人的需要,然後給予幫助,給一個主意或分享相關的經驗。 把別人的需要視為自己的需要,我們要抱持這樣的心態彼此分擔重擔, 才能建立一個有「服務精神」及「給予文化」的學習天地。
Share expertise, time, yourself!
Throughout the serving and learning, find time to both ‘give and receive’ time and expertise. Listen well, then share something that will help the other – a new idea or relevant experience.
In making the other’s needs our own, we can ease each other’s burdens and help create a studyplace animated by a culture of service and giving.

5. 每天建立人與人之間的友誼!
每天的學校生活中,我們要找時間去認識其他的同學、學長姐、室友 、社團團友。彼此之間的互相瞭解和認識,可以幫助我們去打破那道阻礙創意和分擔責任的壁壘。
Build relationships every day!
In the busyness of each day, find the time to get to know classmates, roommates, teammates! Growing in knowledge and understanding of one another helps break down barriers that prevent us from creating a studyplace of shared responsibility. With these personal relationships come the motivations to give that ‘something extra’ of oneself and to truly help one another.

6. 學習上的競爭者也可以成為朋友!
我們的學習充滿了挑戰,包括考試、報告和各式的評量,人與人之間的 矛盾、比較和即時完成所帶來的壓力等。
Competitors can be friends Too!
Our study life is filled with many challenges - deadlines, assessment, presentation, and sometimes people! Let’s choose to see all things and circumstances that appear to initially be obstacles to our success as springboards to our own improvement. Even competitors – who most often challenge us to be better at what ways or altitude of learning we used to – can become friends.
